Art Therapy PhD candidate
National Academy of Art Sofia
Art Therapy studies MA
HfWU University Nuertingen-Geislingen
Psychology studies BSc
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
Art and Art History studies BA
University of Osnabrueck
Further education in Analytical Psychology
C.G. Jung - Institute Zurich
Further education in Art Therapy
Institute for Art and Therapy (IKT) Munich
of Bulgaria for PhD students
National Academy of Arts Sofia
HfWU University, Nuertingen-Geislingen
Art Award 'painting' & 'photography'
University of Osnabrueck
Academic Excellence and Exceptional
Ability in Fine Arts
Bulgarian Ministry of Education
Founder and President of Association of
the Bulgarian Art Therapists ABAT
Founding member of the European Federation of
Art Therapy EFAT
Associate member of the British Association of
Art Therapists BAAT
Member of the German Association for
Art Therapy - Deutscher Fachverband für
Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapie e.V. DFKGT
Member of the 'Wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Künstlerische Therapien e.V.' WFKT
Member of the Art Therapy Network